Out There

We've all heard the saying, "Put yourself out there," before. And it means doing what you have to in order to be seen, right? It means doing what it takes, sacrificing personal comfort, scrutinizing, organizing, and executing thoughts and ideas; making them public. It means all of these things, right? But what does it really …

Boredom at its Finest and The Phone Call to Change Everything

It's true many species of animals return to their breeding grounds to birth their young. Even after months and years go by, they flock to their original stomping grounds to give life to their progeny and rear their newborns until they're able to fend for themselves. Maybe that's why I'm in Stow, Ohio, again. At …

Shitty Situation

When the United States officially incorporated Alaska and Hawaii as states in 1959 it single-handedly marked the end of the Frontier. We have now officially explored all the areas of the world we once thought uninhabited. And by we, I mean white Americans of European decent. Sure, there are still parts of Alaska we have …