
The sun was still climbing the horizon as I made the turn at the end of the narrow access road leading to the ocean and began settling into my rhythm. Green grasses swayed this way and that. Cicada and Palmetto bugs chirped their midday choirs. Sweat rolled in thick beads down my forehead, lips, and …

Return to Form

This training phase has taught me more about myself than I think any other single event has in my entire life. In the face of everything, running has stuck around. When I spent eight days at St. Thomas in Akron, Ohio, for a complete nervous breakdown that resulted in police throwing me in the back …

Now or Never

No looking back. And why should you? The miles you need to run don't lie anywhere in the past. This game is about the future. This game is about forever. And forever lasts a day in this crazy place called California, repeated 365 times. Six days. That's the length and bread of it. I have …