Clap For Yourself (Because No One Else Will)

  In 2013, I broke my foot nine miles into an eighteen-miler. At the time I'd never broken my foot before and had also never had a cramp. I chalked the pain in my foot up to being a cramp, and because I didn't have my cell phone, I ran the next two miles before …


It's late, and there's bread next to me. Typically, this would bode bad things. But, so far, the worst thing that's happened is Hozier got auto-corrected as Hoosier and my joint went out. Speaking of things going out, there seems to be some kind of tragedy to everything lately. Some arc that sours right before …


I keep wondering if I put too much attention on my running; if it isn't pulling me away from so many other things I could be enjoying in life. Just this morning I opted to get up early and lift instead of running. I went to the gym and made my way through seven sets …


I'll do this. I'll write about Bill Murray. Bill Murray is the god damn king. He's the leader of both sexes, all genders. He's why we all believe in angels. This is Bill Murray's day. Why not? It's our day, too, thanks to Mr. Murray, and so we should all take the example and live life …